Tibetan Medicine

Hidden Powers Of Tibetan Medicine

One of the oldest known medical systems in the world is the Tibetan medicine. It is an entire metaphysical tradition that covers every aspect of the energy body. Tibetan medicine has roots that date back to Tibet’s shamanistic Bon era, which came before Buddhism and was introduced to the region. Through the ages, elements of traditional medical systems from China, India (Ayurveda), Persian, and Greece were combined.

The ancient Buddhist view that all illness ultimately stems from the three mental poisons of Ignorance, Attachment, and Aversion serves as another foundation for Tibetan medicine. These correspond to the Badkan (skrt. “Kapha”), rLung (skrt. “Vata”), and mKhrispa (skrt. “Pitta”) three major bodies. This also depends on each person’s own mental, emotional, and physical make-up, as well as external factors like recurring illnesses or successful recuperation.

Tibetan herbal medicine is unmatched in its power. Large amounts of special Himalayan high altitude plants are used in complicated formulae, which often contain 3 to 25 ingredients. These formulations were frequently created by ancient enlightened masters and famous Buddhist sages. Finally, a medical ritual blesses and empowers the medicine.

It is crucial that anyone taking Tibetan Medicine herbal supplements adheres to the necessary dietary, daily, and seasonal guidelines for his or her unique constitution and health concerns. Tibetan Medicine herbal supplements may help to improve one’s overall health.

Can Tibetan medicine treat mental illnesses like depression?

A depressed individual may not live life to its fullest potential and may drudge through it without regularly experiencing abundance, joy, and unrestrained passion. A few Tibetan medicinal herbs, professional massages, and mind-body therapies are time-tested, mild methods for harmonizing the mind and without negative side effects. Tibetan medicine speeds up and facilitates recuperation, and instead of just dulling anxiety, patients experience the “pleasure of being alive.” If you know someone who is having these problems, you might want to look into some of the following formulas right away.

Semde – Is a centuries-old traditional Tibetan herbal blend (Sem-kyi De-kyid or Sem-de). Simple translations of its name include “mental happiness” and “happiness of the mind.” Semde is a collection of 18 medications that are intended to treat a variety of anxiety-related problems, including depression and irritability, loss of focus, mental dullness, stress, and chronic melancholy.

Agar35 – Anxiety and tension that are aggravated by heat and blood stasis can be treated with AGAR 35. It controls the underlying imbalances that lead to anxiety and inability to pay attention.

Chulen – Is prepared by a Lama and Tibetan doctor named Ngawang Drakpa in Kathmandu, Nepal, following a precise formulation method. It is prepared in accordance with detailed instructions and contains over 20 Ayurvedic treatments. This mix could aid in the body’s refueling, replenishment, and restoration.

The main function is to replace the body’s deep energy as a super vitamin. It is typical to experience increased energy, astonishing mental clarity, better physical strength, a reduction in the need for sleep, a decrease in hunger, a happier mood, and a significant deepening of spiritual practice and meditation when taking the pellets. These tablets contain what the Tibetans refer to as “jinlab,” and continuous usage of them will undoubtedly bring about positive change.

Jing – The term “essential energy” in Traditional Chinese medicine especially refers to the male sexual fluid and the female hereditary essence. Jing is yin in nature and is stored in the kidneys, where it nourishes, energizes, and cools the body.

Both the monthly cycle of the woman and the production of semen in men are supposed to put a huge drain on Jing energy. It can become depleted and cause fatigue, sluggishness, aching joints, and a lack of motivation. Jing’s potency and libido rise along with the climax’s intensity and speed of rebound when Jing is full.

Bimala – In Tibetan medicine, Bhim Mitra or Bimala is a key treatment. It is thoroughly discussed as a remedy for mental instability, assistance with insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, nocturnal waking, or plain restlessness in Vimalamitra’s 84,000 therapeutic remedies. Bimala is equally effective for calming anxiety, depression, poor focus, and forgetfulness.

Frequently advised for spiritual seekers, meditators, and persons looking for a more tranquil, balanced mind. Bimala and Agar 35 can both be used to treat ailments that are similar in nature. Bimala is slightly warming and should be used by people who “run cold,” whereas Agar 35 may be more beneficial for people who have a tendency to be on the hot side of the range.


*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be treated as professional medical advice.